“I walk into the forest of my body and open other worlds that provide me with all the inspiration I’ve ever needed. I need not look outside. Inwards adventure I crave.”
-David Fournier
Beyond the Nearest Star
There are worlds that exist young and old,
Beyond the farthest star we’ve been told.
A place with endless beauty and tranquility,
Matched only by its peoples’ humility.
Parched lands of anguish and greed,
Survival of the fittest is their only creed.
Luminescent landscapes where creatures of life are the rule,
Nature will flourish when colour is the fuel.
All these worlds are right here for us to see,
Or else these words would not come together so eloquently.
Dive into this world before you persist,
Everything you need already exists.
Our belief in this land is the most resilient spirit,
It breaks over and over again and re-emerges as a lyric.
Show me a better world and I’ll take the test,
The light to show the way is right here to possess.
Your Mind is a Storm
I went inside your mind and found a storm.
There is a calling on the night wind. Can you hear it?
It passes through many endless caverns falling ever more deeply into the hollows of my heart.
A pallid light of blue and silver shimmers across the moon as your face attempts to take shape.
I often wonder if you are looking up at the same sky searching for definition.
Pain swells and yet reminds that there must be great beauty in this world to create it.
Suffering is a blessing the Gods beg for. Love is the only true immortality.
I have not heard the sound of your voice in an age. But my heart has conversations with you every single day.
Secure my Hand
Secure my hand and be confident the only thing it will hold captive is your heart.
Be not jealous of others that may lock eyes, rather spend your energy on our resplendent connection.
Hurt and control are beyond my understanding, for I awake to the sound of your ascension.
Whisper in my ear and share your love, I promise to hold the secret dear.
Feel the safety that is the untamed you and I will join you in a forever reverie of sensation.
Place your hand under my own and rest in knowing that time shall not undo our rapport that which it created, it will only take a different shape.
The Weaving of the Days
So comes it that ever now, the ship of the heavens moves beneath the moon.
A journey that serves the light as well as the dark. All that departs shall again return.
Perchance to redeem that which was never lost, the Gods rejoice with the purest of humilities.
Glowing vapours of memories we inhale, for the passenger leaves streams of strength in their wake.
They have shown you the way to the tender bridge of forever. It is contained within the passing line of your heart.
When gazing in sorrow from high, you will see them before you and behind you. An eternity they have lived, and an eternity they shall pursue.
The Nameless Reverie
What would you do with this place when it appears? Behold now brought by your deepest wishes.
Dazed and astonished by the splendour of the light, your eyes knew only the dusk of the world.
Awake now from a sleep eternally sincere, brush away the corners of your gnawing doubt.
Harken to the why that was conceived all those clear nights ago, you are kindred spirits.
Resist not the happiness you seek for fear of unworthiness, for one who can identify a perfect moment has already transcended truth.
Never have the foothills been greater than the mountains until you arrived, move the wisdom and sway the patience.
The time of the faintest hope and darkness most profound have left you, time to aquatint yourself with your new companions.
What will you do with this space you have achieved? I implore you, don’t let it go.
Gardens of the Past
Write her a letter that drifts over water.
Open up a can and find nothing but salted earth.
Lace up your sleeves and grind the metal.
Take only what you need for the needs of so many.
Swallow your pride yet let a new pride shine.
Unlearn the apathy and you’ll discover that staring fear head on is what takes you through the hours.
A smile has never been of greater worth.
There once was a time when our hearts were certain.
We saw the good and we fought for tomorrow.
You can be there if you wish to be.
Remember the memories of those who came before.
Turn Around and Kiss Yourself
Nothing will ever change,
I will always look to you for the answer.
In the catacombs of despair lies a peace,
One can only imagine its might.
Don’t be fooled by my demons,
They will never get close enough to pierce this skin.
You are the chosen one I speak of,
The many sides of your heart drives this engine.
There is a world that resides inside me,
It was created a long time ago with the fiercest love.
You remember it well, you’ve only forgotten.
I swore I would never let my city fall,
I would never allow the paint to fade.
I won’t become one of the forgotten warriors,
But I will honour the world they once knew.
When you find yourself in times of darkness,
Look back to what you once created.
Reclaim your land.
Lost Tales of Tomorrow
The first lamp of the season has shown itself. All knowing, embossed with tender fangs.
It calls you over the hills and through the shadows. Landing you in the ever auburn light of texture.
The great bookshelf in the oaks. A collection of nameless tales.
You can smell the aroma of the pages like the perfume of flowers from the shores of great rocks.
Which source calls to you first? Which tome will satisfy your thirst?
They all shimmer with their own unique volume of dust. The sound of words dancing to the beat of release.
Fear falls upon them in an old darkness. The gathering of joy lifts them from the sunless cliffs.
You place your hand gently on the mend and open the one of your choosing. The words themselves each have a story to tell from the tips of your fingers.
There is no way of knowing if the following pages are blank before you turn them. Just like life, you must let go and turn the leaf as the colour changes.
Farewell to Both Sides
There exists a place that few are privileged to discover.
We’ve heard of its peace and power. Its unmistakable purity.
At best, it has brushed past our fingers.
A forest of inner space with but three directions.
The left is all consuming with a euphoric injection of crystal hours.
The right is overwhelming with a dose of aspiring dreamlands.
Center your focus and you’ll search for the other path. Nothing appears but a phase of flickers.
Make no mistake, it’s there. It always has been and forever will.
Let go of the sides and you’ll discover the turn.
Step inside and you’ll reach true love. Unmask belief. Ride alongside action. Sip from life itself.
Farewell to yesterday and tomorrow.
Why We Are Here
We are here to search for the why.
Why is the greatest motivation.
We are here to find that one answer multiple times.
Time is that little spirit that whispers beauty in your ear.
We are here to seek the unknown truths.
Truth is that reflection in the night sky that pulls our hearts.
We are here to guide the deliverance of happiness.
Happiness is only ever experienced through the faces of others.
We are here to escape the trap that is our mind.
Mind what you bring in to the hearts of others.
We are here to reach for that one flickering light and avoid the ignorance of darkness.
Darkness will make a home if you let it.
We are here because we are alive.
A life of possibilities is in the present.
We are here…
You Betrayed Me
You are my vessel.
The one that was destined for me.
You are here to deliver my dreams.
To anchor my quality.
Like me, you are one of a kind.
An eccentric idiosyncrasy wrapped beyond compare.
We must enchant the surface with our individuality.
We move as one, but we choose different paths.
Why do you stray from my desires?
Why do you force my unrecognizable hand?
I can’t breathe without you, but you’ve made that more difficult.
The price of your fuel has tested my buoyancy.
Your reflection is the greatest test that arises each morning.
I’m sorry I haven’t treated you better.
I took you for granted.
Assumption of your loyalty was my greatest demise.
Redemption of your impetus is my strongest drive.
I’ve judged you unfairly.
Come back to me.
I tried criticizing for years and it hasn’t worked.
Let’s try a love of flaws and see what happens.
A Lost Land of You
There is a place that’s very special to me. I found it once. Since then I’ve dedicated my life to finding my way back.
I remember images of glow. Fractured gaps. A whisper of time. Closing my eyes I can feel the direction.
Turn to the upper left plateau. Climb the columns to the underground light. Pull back the crystal curtain…and then you see it.
The land beyond forever. A place where nourish and flourish are in abundance. An existence of everything I know to be true.
Here I am the support and the cloud. The brace and the pillar. This is the capital of emergence and I am the Caesar.
My land is sacred and I must remember the power that boils within. Never forget who you are and who you were meant to be.
There is always a way back. The map resides in your most hallowed chest. You know which land I speak of. Now go and find her.
I didn’t
I arose from the past,
I didn’t remain there.
My eyes remain on my heart,
I didn’t close them.
We were worlds apart,
I didn’t give up on you.
I learned to write.
I didn’t lose my voice.
There is going to be a time when we are all together,
I didn’t lose hope.
Despair was my closest ally,
I didn’t stay friends.
I’m glad it all happened.
For I wrote this poem.
The Inner Swarm
Come back to me and I will shed this weightless burden. Those around me are pulling me in too many directions.
The lonelier I get, the more occupy my world. It has the capability of endless growth yet never ending emptiness.
Each individual contains a community of individuals. My circle is so far and wide it almost overwhelms me.
This lush world must appease my gnawing hunger. I fear only one may heal the wound of this pit.
The herald of my desires is both friend and foe. I release you of your dichotomous oath.
Open your mind to me that you may share my thoughts. Let us bare the sounds as one.
Silent all but one and it shall rise more powerful than ever.
Eternal Sunshine
There you are. Standing directly above the shine. A rainbow creates itself when you face the direction after the rain springs true.
I wish you could see yourself like I do. A lady in white who takes the pain and reflects only the light onto others. A creature born with a smile that dances in every which direction.
You are the watcher on the water and the writer on the sand. A dead forest sprouts flowers with each step of your bare feet. The blood you shed turns to oxygen.
You are the lady of the woods that has carried our songs through so many lifetimes. I know not the words but I hum the tune. Strum your instrument of sensations for all to understand.
I envy you. Your adventure is just beginning. You’ve seen so much and fought the greatest of pains, but you still don’t know. You have no idea what great beauty you have yet to impart on so many. The world is an infinitely better place with you in it.
You ARE Joie de Vivre.
Foreign Eyes
Splash my face with clarity from my fingertips. A new start invades my pores as I surrender to my strength.
I look in the mirror to unveil today’s persona. It’s me but it’s not me. My face remains but those aren’t my eyes.
As horrified as I am, my head lifts with insatiable curiosity. I must enter the possessed iris and take the plunge.
On the other side there is a world I’ve only dreamt of through the dreams of others. An ocean with an endless depth of light. I would be breathless if only I could run out.
I look for creatures of the deep to fear or keep me company. All that comes back to me is that which I keep.
Here I am the current. The blue floor is my sanctuary. I know what I have to do.
Whenever there is a gulf between my pain and my spirit, I shall meet halfway on the waves of purity.
There is always a place for us all that stirs the heart, inspires the imagination, and brings eternal joy to the soul.
As Old as the Future
A new and uncertain world. A place of limitless possibilities and infinite outcomes.
Every choice we make is a drop. Transforming into the ripples that feed the river of time.
Is fate in our hands? If so, is it still truly fate? Only the past knows the answer.
Destiny. We are connected to the letter but still understand its spirit. The deeper we travel the brighter the answer.
We are all imbued with incredible abilities. Yet we never cease being children, staggering in the dark, seeking guidance. Perhaps it is our dread of the unknown that keeps us stumbling.
The long ahead should be our companion, not our adversary. For only a prophet should fear the future.
The Beast on the Other Side
Long before I hear his approach, the wind carries the smell of him. My need like my hunger is stronger.
As I close in on a small pond, I hear life in the darkness. Kneeling down, the reflection I see is from the other side. An animal in human form.
Rain does what I can’t do for myself. It forgives. Washing, cleansing the stains of my raw actions.
We must accept that we are more than our wild side. The animal will always be there and it needs to be let out on occasion.
Head down, eyes up. Embrace what you really are. It is for the best that we go where we can unhook the leash. Allow the beast to run free in an endless pasture.
The Lost Kingdom
Tell me what you see. Show me what you discovered. Only those who fear to gain will be denied entrance.
Autumn, nature’s most talented artist, will lure you into its decaying grasp. Leaving only emptiness to chance, you dive in the hollow folds.
Emerging from the depths, you feel this new land is hauntingly familiar. It reminds you of the beauty that once was and grows still.
Step out of your puddle of limitations. Take back the night. Own the stars. Breathe the clouds.
The sun is your lamppost, and the wind is your compass. Oceans of time will wash away your blind ways.
Existence is the greatest ecstasy. All we ever dreamed of is when we are awake. Show me a better world and I’ll still choose mine.
This has always been your kingdom, you’ve only forgotten.
Lovers in the Mist
It took me four ways to find you. Eyes matching eyes. Day for night is the only way I see you.
Let us be lovers of the forest and all will turn to mist. A lone wolf of the winds and an enchantress of the ivy.
Speak to no one of this. Words will only devour the raw texture of your being.
You can hear the thickness of the air. You can feel the waves of moisture billow upon your skin.
I will follow you to the ends of the apparition. You will lead me to the beginnings of the only dream.
Take my hand and all control fades into the crossing streams. Help me stay in this moment and time will become a stray.
Let go of all that you fear to outrun and let the fever take hold. You call it madness but I call it love.
Tears to Diamonds
Why do you avoid the pain? Sound strums the core of your voice. You are never alone, even when the faces ceases to define.
You tell me to look away, but that only draws my focus. Empty and aching but you won’t tell me why. Transparency is closed for the day.
If you don’t have a good reason, give me a bad one. Remember that an eye for an eye leaves us blind.
Sit me down amongst the leaves and shed your expired wears. Let us say all the things we never said.
You’ll only experience this day once, but you’ll remember it forever. Time is seldom wrong and right again.
A touch of your face and I possess your tears. Open my hand and they turn to diamonds.
You are a much bigger package with a much brighter bow. Take care of your gift and your path will take care of you.
Forever in Motion
There is a reason we are always in motion.
Every one, place, thing. Nothing stands still.
Stare at a rock and you’ll see it. Move it with your mind and you’ll see its future. Speed up your perception and you’ll know it to be true.
The greatest secret is that which we all share. Clairvoyance lies in the passage of time. There is nothing that is irreversible because there is nothing that remains.
The wind blows to remind us of perpetual movement. The air is our forgotten child that pushes us along.
Change coexists with the meaning of life.
Join me on the only adventure. Look for the jet stream and you’ll become more fluid than you can possibly imagine.
Never has there been an immovable object. There is only an unstoppable force.
The Wait is Over
What are you waiting for?
It’s not complicated.
Fight hard for what you want.
Remember the times you’ve won.
Tomorrow never existed.
It’s right in front of you but you push it out of reach.
You know the why but you still ask.
Look at your hand and face it.
Be honest whenever you can.
Look into eyes.
Stop veering off.
Right the ship.
Ask for truth.
Cry with the pain.
Hunt for the reveal.
Does the sun always rise?
Only you can answer that.
We all start off happy so you know it exists.
Say what you want to say while you can.
Mountains don’t last forever.
Stop telling yourself magic doesn’t exist, because it most certainly does.
Tell her that you love her.
There is an angel that’s going to whisper in your ear, and its name is time.
What is a nightmare?
It’s a feeling of perpetual conclusions.
An enclosed world that allows you to go as far as you wish until the inevitable slingshot back to the start.
A land enriched by the apex of your talent and ambition, only to be impoverished by the seismic crack in the floor.
Its inhabitants include emotional tourists, your own blood, and the one who got away.
The skies are the limit as you take flight in pouring cement.
You see the meaning of life, but it always reads endless desires.
You feel, you yearn the warmth of the greatness inside, but all you find is the cold need to survive.
There is a door that leads to something new.
Finally, forget everything you knew and shed the cocoon of those coordinates.
It’s never too late for passion rather than talent to guide you.
But just as the seasons change, this expanse is only the same walls with a new paint job.
You are back at the start of an endless maze.
Finally you awaken, only to wake up again.
What does this mean?
How do I emerge?
What does this speak to you?
Love is the only language I speak fluently.
Paint me an Oasis
Build me an oasis in the arid region of my mind.
Release the eternal beams to drench my doubt.
Set in motion the aqueduct to spring my imagination from its slumber.
Weep for the murder of the sands of time.
Sing a song of the dunes of change.
The lady in the water emerges, with waves of silk and the eyes of a mirage.
Her flow mimics the erosion of my stoned heart.
Dust has transformed from the ager to the rebirther.
Too long have I sought the shade.
Step into the burning and set your feet aflame.
Never again shall my thirst dry up.
For I am the iris that weathers the storm.
Seduce the Darkness
I will dance with the darkness. I will fight with the light. Send your wishes to the edge, that’s where I live.
All I do is lose. All I do is gain. Hoist me up and I am a slave to my imagination. Watch me walk like I’ve got time in front of me. The sun lays my shadows behind me.
My mind is only weak if I succumb to the state of my reality. Perhaps it will take my absence to make me a trailblazer. But it was never about me. It can’t be. I won’t let it. Fold me four times and see if I wrinkle. Cross me three times and see if I’m still there.
Success will test my mettle as much as the greatest adversary. Happy is a realm I can inhabit if I accept that I am never actually in control.
The Many Sides of the Face
Which side are you on? Put your hand across and flip it over.
There is a stream of thought that you know how many edges there are.
But you’re afraid of how deep that number may plunge.
One can fall and awake upright, just as one can ascend to new lows.
What you see is not a mirage, it’s just another path.
A path we all must take if we are to bond with the need.
There are so many faces its hard to choose.
If only they could all meet a greater purpose would emerge.
Let go of all the fringes that are not prepared to love you and you will find your courage.
Don’t give in to an external world.
After all, the surface is only skin deep.
There’s Something Out There
There is a sailboat on the horizon.
It has no anchor yet never moves.
No matter what spins you around or what drags you down, the mast is still on your radar.
You taught yourself how to swim and tread in the murkiest of waters. Sometimes it feels like you’ll never reach the wind drenched ship. But as this blue marble completes another rotation, you zero in on more reflection than that of the water. Time isn’t a measuring stick, it’s fuel. So on this day remember the why and not the how. The horizon is round and perpetual. Keep chasing it.
A Shadow Upon A Wall.
I saw what happened, from beginning to end.
A mastery of the perspective. You held out your hand and it almost overwhelmed me.
Why am I allergic to new ideas?
Secrets lose their power if they are in the company of shame.
So I gave a single eye to your trust. And you led me to a wall with no purpose.
Upon this wall there was a shadow that belonged to no one.
Perhaps it is just another shade of loneliness. Or perhaps it was once yours before you shed the fumes of toxicity.
But how can I join you in the absence of darkness?
I haven’t fought in so long I forgot how to win.
Yet you inspire me, guide me, lead me.
You offer a love that only hate knows.
What is revealed is the talk of the town all around the world.
We are the ship, all else the sea.
I’m Gonna Fall.
From leaf to leaf.
Separating from my former self at each new height.
Reflecting my surroundings as only life knows how.
My flesh is abound with the heartbeat of a million little fibers.
It’s what binds us all.
Truth be told that there are far more senses than we are willing to admit.
Truth being the most underrated of them all.
I continue to drop from suspension to flexibility.
Passing my ripple as effectively as the warmth of light.
I dare not stop my decent. For if I were to cease I would evaporate to an oblivion.
Pay me master of time and let your death be the coin of exchange.
The greenest of greens is my home of choice.
Falling is only a perspective that requires power to enable it.
I give the command to wash away all that equates emptiness.
You know what you don’t want but that doesn’t mean you know what you want.
The opposite isn’t always the same.
The Twins of Despair
Who speaks to me in this eternal echo?
I was not born with you but you’ve always been there.
A growth that has gained unwarranted strength.
Feasting on what I do not possess.
But I’ve seen you before, when all other lights go out.
You are incompatible with what I know to be true.
Yet you provide a twisted sense of comfort at too frequent of times.
Our meeting place is at the bottom ledge. The purity of oblivion.
But you always allow for the blue light to pierce through.
I have found my certainty now. No longer will I give you power.
I can always visit with you if I want. We will forever need each other.
But my ability to climb has been unleashed. You and I think exactly alike, just never at the same time.
Over the Mist
Tell me what you see beyond the mark.
Don’t feign a whisper or howl to the open space.
Show it to me.
Assume that I know nothing. Invest in my expansion.
Fill the air with images of the past and future.
Help me piece together what I have lost.
For there is no pattern with a shape.
As sight is just another word for knowledge. Guide me to that one spot.
Show me a better path than the one I’ve been taking.
Release me from memory and bring imagination to the present where it has always belonged.
There is a faint voice upon the rocks.
It speaks of yearning.
Of one soul pleading for another.
Help me find that one moment.
Help me stay in it.
An Underground River
Remember? Remember how it all seemed like a dream?
Like all the dreams you’ve ever had.
The way she looked at you, her growing smile. You never had a chance and you know it.
There was a breeze, soft and salty, up from the moon-lit shore.
The coast glistened like a beach of diamond crystals.
But you hardly noticed it. Your mind was on other things.
When you were young, there’d been moments like this.
Brief instants when you didn’t think or care about the minor imperfections that your mask hid.
You laughed when she laughed, and ran behind her, feeling the sand slide and crunch beneath your feet, a cool wind brushing the hair from your brow.
You felt the night, as you’d never felt an evening before.
It’s like discovering an underground river.
You don’t know how you found your way and you don’t know where the light is coming from.
Don’t waste time trying to figure out where the river flows. You may never see it again.
Make it count.
I see my castle.
It doesn’t exist yet but I see it.
Place me in an open field and I see my castle.
Place me in the beating heart of a metropolis and I see it.
Apply a blindfold, spin me around, and there it stands.
Its width is how far I reach. Its height is how tall I stand.
The curtain wall is that which contains my spirit.
A banner that indicates the winds of change.
Hear the moat that streams the energy I seek.
Draw the bridge that welcomes new sensations.
Open the gate to those who have nothing to hide.
Share the fruits in the courtyard of knowledge.
Climb up to the spire of inspiration, for only lightning can deliver you from the darkness.
I see my castle. I will become my castle.
For I am the rocks of the eternal shore. Crash against me and all ill will be broken.
We passed upon the stairs.
A radar for a gentle breeze turned on.
I looked right. You looked right at me.
Deliver to me that which a moment is measured by.
Never has tension been so liberating.
I turned left. You left the turning point.
Perhaps if I listen to the vibrations that feed me I will gain a new sense of hunger.
For retracing my steps will only leave a deeper and more permanent mark.
There is a divide that must be chosen.
One road will force my hand with unbridled determination.
The other road will always keep an ear open for time’s answer.
Snap back to that vertical convergence.
What if I looked left?
How many roads would be open and how many would be shutdown?
You can see the future best through the peripheral.
All in the merry month of yesteryear.
When crystals lay on the ground for the taking.
I lay in my bed of icy winds.
Focusing my reach for the one I love.
The land of elevation is where I dwell.
Slowly slowly I got up.
Dying for nothing only happens once.
All those nameless faces in the streets. My face has been turned in the wrong direction.
I kneel for strength. The more it boiled the more I grieved.
Did you see me burst out crying? It was beyond real.
Give me passage to pick you up and carry you home.
My knuckles are no more than a pasture.
Stop pounding the merciless pavement and embrace the layer in between.
It grows till it can grow no higher. A single rose I shall bury never again.
Older Than Time
There is a place that exists on no map.
A place frozen in a moment.
Where originality blooms ready for the harvest.
A place that refuses to age.
Older than time itself.
You can only gaze at it once.
An idea is an unknown creature at birth but eventually takes on a life and identity of its own.
I refuse to close my eyes. There will never be a more important painting.
I just want something to believe in.
There is nothing to read here and yet so much to study.
Each person is a book. A never ending story.
Share it. Open up. Devour the change.
Sooner or later it all comes down to forgiveness.
See But Can’t Feel
You see it but your fingers can’t reach it.
Our senses are only there to deceive.
Or perhaps they lend a hand to perceive.
Nobody is there if I choose.
It’s easy to go on with eyes closed.
I had a real shot at her once.
I lay awake thinking about her every night.
I wondered if I’d ever stop thinking about her.
Now I can barely remember what she looks like.
You know it’s funny, you get used to having something in your life.
It’s part of your every day.
You just take it for granted.
Then it’s gone and suddenly you realize how much it meant to you.
It’s time I have faith in someone to unlock it all and scoop the stars out of the sky.
Let me take you there.
Crack the code of my eye and all turns to ethereal tears.
Lines that stretch across seas of stone.
Every which direction that is sourced out.
What is the word for depth without end?
The power to grow is the iris of the open hand.
Who am I supposed to be? How far must I dig?
My spirit animal is a winged Appalachia that sings a theremin.
Unleash her with the sacred words.
I would give it all away for a little bit more.
The only colour that exists in my ice is neon fire.
Take shape and mould it into invisibility.
It stops fetching evocative and starts receiving undiscovered textures.
I have been and forever shall be this moment.
You can never take that away from me.
All of this comes from the power of one eye. And I have two.
Always Alone
Does it matter in which direction I look?
An onslaught of noise takes aim from every lane.
The chatter, the flash, the distraction.
I can’t block, deflect or absorb anymore.
Is it running away or stepping into the clear?
Trudging through the rich snow is an uphill battle.
But I must find the stars.
A bitter cold of solitude that brings such warmth.
A calming forest night that lasts perpetually.
The only what I hear is the blowing sheet of snowdrift.
Imagination is a separate country that I have yet to discover.
A most heavy truth weighs on me.
There are no virtuous lies that will save me.
The most real things in the world are things we don’t see.
Only now I realize. I’ve always been alone.
The One
The rider approaches the peripheral.
Wielding the staff of undiscovered truths.
Stones of posture and weeds of nectar.
A meeting of the minds in an open space.
Sway in the rain cavort and caper.
One tiny movement still points forward.
Rise beyond the clouds and they grey sun remains.
But you can’t see past your own uniform.
What is the level of your desire?
It is not enough to simply want.
One must place themselves in the stream without a rope.
Bare your instincts in the nude.
Embrace the naked time.
If everyone can have it I don’t want it.
Or perhaps...one day we all will.
My Playground
Sight leans against the tree.
The light of the spirits glimmer around the forest.
The sound of equines reverberate with drops.
How is this early autumn eternal?
The falls beckon I jump into well of incarnation.
A submerged breath is refreshingly filling.
When I emerge the forest has changed.
It has lost its luster.
Winter has stolen this place from me.
For all I hear is the intentions of the wind and the intoxicating serenity of chimes.
The light still shines but I choose to only notice the shadows.
Is this any better or worse? Have I lost it or has it transformed me?
The constant battle between the intellect and the creative.
Peel the layers from my mask and you will find the playground of my mind.
You Mesmerize Me
I just wanted a brief distraction.
I wasn’t looking but somehow you found me.
Smoke and mirrors never seemed so focused.
Count to twelve and open up.
My heart crumbles and it’s glorious.
Am I allowed to have two dreams?
Passion is capable of breaking free from the eyes.
Dive in and my core surfaces near the bottom.
Undress the night and all is revealed.
A reverie so deep that you wake up.
The arms around you are at dangers length.
Do you feel the high?
It’s not a line. I mean it.
We move through the breath of the wind as one.
Wrong Desire
Heart of ice.
Mind of metal.
Dreams in darkness.
Fear in victory.
Away with you.
You have no place amongst the giving.
To be as large as the mountains one must be open to more than two voices.
For the giver is bigger than the receiver.
A maker of our character and the mirror of it.
Stop crying tears of waste and dance in the rain it leaves behind.
The only wasted day is the one without sharing laughter.
Cease trying to please others sense of right or wrong.
Nothing is forever in this world, not even your problems.
If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Enter the Hollow
Look into the light of this candle.
It is the light of all light.
It contains only what you bring with you.
Do not let your ears hear nor your eyes see for that which you cannot account for.
Darkness is in life. But there are many lights.
Absence is the aphrodisiac of the soul.
Are you trapped inside or are you on the outside looking in?
Success breeds two sides no matter what.
For it is our insanity that is the glue that holds our spirit together.
They are out there slicing through the winds.
The most blessed who walk on this earth are the ones who find true love.
Downwards Ascension
I remember the date.
It was a number before two.
I was running away from something that wasn’t chasing me.
We want more that we remember than we want to forget.
Like being surrounded by a graveyard with broken statues.
A sensation of centrifugal force.
Moving away from the center of the problem.
But you remember that you had the water before you had the waterfall.
To cease spiraling down, one has only to push up.
For there is a land beyond the great forest.
Layered Ground
There is a cemetery at dusk.
You’ve seen it before.
It never leaves the season of forbode.
The gates are transparent but nobody is home.
Stone hearts bring back so much warmth.
The long reach of the branches is the great protector.
A wind in the hair of the willows.
Dig deep and you’ll find all that came before.
Life is not as cryptic as you make it.
For a graveyard is also a garden.
You can’t use the past to fill what’s missing in the present.
If I Build It Thy Will Be Done
I built a castle with my mind.
It lays on a cliff that has no depth.
Surrounded by a moat that flows downstream.
Made with a stone that beats with life.
It draws a bridge that never closes.
The hallway drapes over the ceiling.
A cellar of rare items.
With a bottomless spire.
The stairs are level with the music room.
The library contains no history, only patterns.
Whenever you answer the bell you open the secret passageway.
For I am here to light a candle, not to curse the darkness.
One way can be two.
A straight path is still winding.
Downhill is constantly ascending.
To be paved does not make the journey smoother.
The less traveled only have right turns.
If you come upon a fork, step on it.
Getting lost is not possible when discovery is what you seek.
People start out thinking it’s a short road and it turns into a long road, and they find within themselves what it takes to walk every step of the way.
Take It With You
There is a secret which lays in the dark.
It’s in the fifth corner of the room.
Delivered by the two sides of a circle.
Ascension is the bottom line.
It attracts clear grey skies with still winds of fury.
A return of exhilaration is foreboding.
The leafless trees have been born as the ground moves to a whispering beat.
The aroma is toxic and good for the soul.
Yet does it remain a secret if you know it?
All seasons coexist in their own prime depth.
For I will always be the invincible summer to your heart.
C’est L’amour
Love...is an awesome force.
We are powerless to do anything about it.
The mightiest brush upon a jagged canvas.
It makes our thoughts deep yet we can’t think straight.
It pulls us in one direction blindfolded and yet it helps us see clearly.
We are forever seeking its answers but always forget the questions.
It makes us do things we never thought possible.
For we don’t choose love, it chooses us.
Why Must We Fall
The story of my life is about entrances and exits.
There is so much toughness hidden behind the veil of the smile.
Is my life an obsession or a fact?
The seduction of all my truths come naturally.
To really want absorbs me, I have no time for anything else.
Why must rare accompany solitary?
Joy does not occur when I make plans.
My spirit cannot avoid the four seasons.
Life could be so magnificent if I knew what to do with it.
Choose A Side
To be upside down is only relative.
Turnover a new leaf and the field is clear.
If your heart capsized, would it be a full eclipse of the soul?
Your resolve is unflippable.
Do not let that memory fade away.
What does a mirror do?
It is nothing more or nothing less than the deepest desires in our hearts.
A Wave Of My Hand
The ripples of the water runs deep when you look at it.
A fixation that never evaporates.
A fascination that always rises.
Perhaps you have seen the same water twice.
Maybe that’s what brought you back to the lake.
The purity is a reflection of what you are made of.
Press your body against it and soak in the tide of light.
Never has your stream of thought been so clear.
Next time you’re by the shore, think of me and I’ll surface.
Wave after wave I’m slowly drifting toward you.
We are all teachers in some form.
Now what are you prepared to do?
We are always there but never here.
How far will you travel?
We are all original at the stroke of a thought.
How long until you release the beast?
Everything you see is a little bit you and a little bit me.
Stop counting and start cherishing.
Take a dip into ethereal.
You always see in other people what you want to be reflected and magnified.
Creation Eternal
There are places from my past.
The images change but they last.
My life only remains forever.
Split it in half and you’ll find the better.
Once people come they are never gone.
Serendipity can be overdrawn.
Let me reflect on my lovers, the ones who had me.
Restrain my candor and set the living free.
I’ve loved and lost and paid the cost.
Wealth of the moment eradicates the torment.
Seek Out The Seeker In You
If you knew too much truth, would it ruin things?
Is there no beauty in clarity?
For it is the one with an open heart that is the furthest from innocence.
Dial me a number and I’ll always choose two.
Erase the board and more will remain than exhaust.
Knowing there is no right side of the road but only the inside.
You may call me crazy.
But have you never wondered what lies beyond?
What turns light into darkness?
I can’t tell you that.
Discovery is your fuel.
Let my truth be the trees and the streams and the birds in the sky.
Lady Of The Willows
Enchantress of the ivy.
Siren of the winds.
Sorceress of the willows.
Your strength is your only weakness.
Your wisdom comes from pure innocence.
Your humour holds the greatest gravitas.
Your kindness is your sharpest blade.
Speak to no one of this.
For words will only skew the raw texture of your being.
Must you speak of light in order for it to exist?
Let go of everything you fear to lose.
And forge the path with new instruments.
It’s one thing to be a link in a chain.
It’s another thing to create one of your own.
Larger Worlds
This is for you. But it is meant to be shared.
It is time to fall back into the mysterious arms.
Let it take you on a journey through space and the sublime.
Leave your ego at the gates and take only your pride.
Days last a summer and months don’t exist.
You are never alone, not even for an eternity.
This place doesn’t revolve around you, yet you created it.
There is a root in your vessel that needs to be fed and nurtured.
It is only the expense that you make it.
Is it control or is it perspective?
Time to take a step into a much larger world.
That One Moment
Remember the time it was all new.
There was no reflection when looking through the window.
Butterflies galore kept you afloat.
The eternal light of pride and joy showed you the way.
There was no mask behind the mask.
Only a gala of all that you need.
Through thick and thin nothing could be pierced.
The sun may refuse to shine but you didn’t notice.
Night after night of full moons.
Recall what you promised yourself.
Feel the space between your fingers.
And the world turns back and all will turn to silver sand.
Trusting Senses
If you could name me, who would I be?
How many of me are there?
There is a time and a place for everyone, where am I?
Tell me my hand feels different by twilight.
Decide if my eyes reflect the bright or creates it.
We are destined to chase each other forever.
A curse doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
If I was air, would you take me for granted?
For my wind is always at your back.
Nothing is as permanently perfect as this moment.
The dichotomy of now or never will not cease.
Trust the unknown and the beauty of your dreams will surface.
Ripples in Time
What would happen if you weren’t here?
I would have no knowledge of your existence.
Nobody would remember your face, your sound, your conviction.
Everyone would cry fable at the possibility of your presence.
What is the level of importance of the one?
Why is it that we find it easier to comprehend the few over the many?
Does not one become the abundant?
We are all ripples in the stream.
Our love stretches but it does not break.
Why would you close off your gifts?
The world is an infinitely worse place without you in it.
Where we once stood tomorrow, there is a footprint that is on file.
It vanishes as time goes down.
Recognize the zone and find the exit.
Why can’t it be?
Where is the destiny that I once knew?
The more I think about it the more it shrinks away into an oblivion.
I shall never surrender.
I will keep searching the depths to keep it alive.
Don’t you leave me.
For the tip of my finger is enough to carry on.
The mind is not a weapon, but you must keep it loaded.
I’m back on my feet and I’ve found my step.
Look at the glare in my eyes and you’ll see what once will be.
Regret is a Concept
In one hand I have what I want.
In the other I hold what I used to desire.
Which weighs more?
There is a thin layer that separates the two of us.
If you don’t take action you’ll never know why it was meant to happen.
Focus on a mistake you made, now think of all the greatness that has occurred since.
Would you lose it all?
Our thoughts can betray us but you must still trust them.
The answers lay somewhere between the mind and the heart.
One lie can destroy a life. Just as one truth can restore it.
Where It Begins
Sing the changes.
Breathe the quiet.
Feel the thunder.
Make love to the present.
Fight your shadow.
Dance to the sky.
Watch the wind.
Consume the streams.
Step on the force.
Stare at the fear.
Hold the flavour.
Cross the air.
Work on the reflection.
Wave to the future.
A Clear Reverie
What is the last thing you remember?
Is it above or below the light?
We are in the clear yet I can’t see.
If only we knew that the surface has no depth.
I keep going to fresh places and end up where I’ve already been.
The great creature I fear is there I know it, but the closest quarters it occupies is inside.
We do not own this land without integrity.
Only a fools arrogance would assume ownership.
If I look down how far will I see? A quandary without a riddle.
You were in my dream last night, I don’t regret the memory.
In this depth I have no voice, but should the situation warrant it I’ll sing.
Call me what you wish, but all it amounts to is sound. My soul is beyond any bounds of labels.
True Love
She reminds me of a poem I can’t remember.
A sunset I’m not sure I’ve seen.
The smell of a rose I can’t recall.
An elixir whose taste evades me.
A sweater I can no longer touch.
A song that may never have existed and a valley I’m not sure I’ve been to.
Hidden All Around
There is a patch of land that no light may reach.
A spiraling island that no sound can breach.
Feel around and you may find a memory.
A single thought and the mission is symmetry.
This cluster is deep with a purpose that is impregnable.
A single thread may lead to the inconceivable.
Embezzle your fortune in a sack of transparency.
A fools perception of what is currency.
Point straight down to your well of gold.
A hiding place as old as told.
I hold one thing dear in my heart.
It’s an idea.
If you can feel around for it you are soft to the touch.
An opportunity is the only constant title.
Save my life and I’ll give you an ending.
Tear away my desires and I’ll give you my mind.
Why don’t you meet me halfway at the finish line?
When you look away I see your face.
The light is always one with the source.
For time is the fire in which we burn.
Eye of the Beholder
Prejudice only exists on the inside.
Buried deep in the fertile ground of the heart.
It is a festering disease we’ve transported from the past.
The thought of it is manageable.
The act of it is dangerous.
If you can understand one thing, why not another?
You are just one out of billions but are capable of seeing the world from afar.
We must unlock the door to wisdom.
One truth is that we both have good inside.
Love is too precious to be thrown away.
The most crucial thing that we universally share is our soaring potential.
Fertile Splendor
There is a garden of whispers that needs tending.
The mind needs light before it opens up.
I could walk forever in that fragrance.
To stem the tide of blossoming is the greatest crime.
Unawares, you are the emblem of beauty and purity.
I am incubating my feelings for one soul purpose.
For happiness comes from a seed planted.
Understanding only comes from knowledge of ones horizon at their backs.
You are the music of the earth and will always turn towards the light that makes you beautiful.
Drink the Spirit
I am from yesterday.
A stream of encounters that flow up to this point.
You are from tomorrow.
A surge of all possible accumulations.
We are from today.
For living is the only truth.
Every acquaintance I make I reveal a different face, a different personality.
Which one am I? What is my time?
Only you can feel my pulse.
Only you can count my stages.
Ask yourself. How do I feel when I leave this person? Does my presence feel forced?
My voice emanates from your heart.
Waking up and knowing you exist fuels my resolve and the prospect of future moments.
We have always existed in eternity and always will.